
Minggu, 14 November 2010

35 hours of video uploaded every minute on YouTube

When i read the headline of this news, i little bit shocked. i never thought that many videos uploaded every minute.

i dont wanna rambling anymore, Here we go..

Just in case you had any doubts that YouTube was still growing, the folks over at Google have unleashed some stats to prove it.

According to a company blog post yesterday, YouTube users upload about 35 hours of video to the site every minute. That means that about 50,400 hours are added every day. In comparison, that figures was 24 hours of video every minute back in March

YouTube attributes the growth to several factors. First, the company's decision to increase time limits from 10 minutes to 15 minutes per video has helped. It also pointed to the site's file size limit of 2GB. With the help of mobile phones, YouTube said that consumers are finding it relatively simple to quickly add videos to the site. It also doesn't hurt that "more companies [are] integrating our APIs to support upload from outside of"

In a report from August, market researcher ComScore noted that Google video sites, led by YouTube, served videos to more than 143 million unique viewers in July and had more than 1.8 billion viewing sessions. The average viewer spent 282.7 minutes--or more than 4 1/2 hours--watching YouTube videos during the month.

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